James here, MD of Clientshare. We’re nearly two months into this crisis, so I wanted to share some of my thoughts with our leading customers. I am also happy to be sharing some good news about our software roadmap that will help you in the long term.
One of things that has stood out for me during COVID19 is how our customers, businesses like yours, have reacted – I’ve been so impressed. It’s been an eye opener as to how hard some companies are working to:
- Look after their employees
- Help their customers
- Support society
I’m proud to share some highlights that I’ve seen from some of the companies that we work with:
- Construction companies – on the front line building the Nightingale hospitals!
- FM companies – supporting the power sector keeping Britain powered and literally living in power stations to keep generators generating so we can all carry on.
- Staffing companies – working overtime to place new staff into growth industries like retail.
- Catering companies – creating online tutorials, helping people work from home.
- Technology companies – repurposing their manufacturing plants to make PPE.
- Cleaning companies – making sure anyone on the front line is at minimal risk.
- Security companies – putting the hard yards in on the front line.
- All our Customers - Taking responsibility for their employees in a way that they should be proud of, furloughing fairly, redeploying, supporting working from home, raising money and making sure people are being looked after.
It’s clearly not easy at the moment, but having a focus on employees, customers and society during COVID-19 is the right thing to do. I think that in the long term, businesses like yours that are doing this will be the ones that reap the rewards.
We’ve been doing the same and I’m proud of how our business has reacted in the past weeks.
I also said I would share something we are developing that would be of interest to you. Over the past few months, and looking ahead for the rest of 2020, Clientshare is becoming more and more a Service Governance tool to help suppliers like you:
- Evidence Contractual Compliance
- Prove Innovation
- Safeguard relationships
We’re beginning a 3 month programme next week that will see us create new, and enhanced features, in all these areas. We will have demonstrations to share with you in Q3 and to get your feedback prior to going live. For example we’re considering an innovation tracker that enables you to log and report on all innovation with your customers – meaning when they raise the challenge around how you have innovated, it’s all there in one clear, interactive timeline. Lot’s to follow here, but importantly we’re still investing in you our customers and the platform to make your Service Governance model better and easier.

One final thing I will leave you with, is with a sustainability angle that we think is going to really take off once we get back to work (however that looks). If you have time, take a look at this article from Bain, it’s an interesting view about COVID19 being a ‘dress rehearsal’ for how sustainability will work in 2021 in business.
Thanks again for working with Clientshare, if you need anything from the team, you know where to find us.
Managing Director
Headquartered in London, the Clientshare purpose is to help companies retain and grow contracts. Clientshare works with companies like Interserve, Xerox, Guidant Global and CH&Co helping improve buyer-supplier relationships, making business easier and improving retention rates, typically by 18%.
For any press or sales related enquiries please contact: info@myclientshare.com