How our unique Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs) platform works

Maria Rangin
May 18, 2023

Head of Marketing at Clientshare the Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs) platform looks at the Clientshare logo


As a marketer with over 10 years experience across 7 tech start-ups, I've always thought that marketing a completely unique software would be a bit like the holy grail. When I mention to other marketers that I'm currently working with a software that has no real equivalent, people usually say, 'well, congratulations!'. Turns out, there are as many challenges with marketing a unique platform as it is one with many similar competitors. Since there is no pre-established market for our software, it all boils down to product education, before you even get to the value proposition.

So, I've tried to figure out the best way to describe what we do. Here it comes.

Clientshare is...

Clientshare Pulse is a Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs) platform, tailored to maximise the value you get from high quality and consistent Quarterly Business Reviews, combined with CSAT and NPS. The power comes from knowing what your clients think about you, being able to measure it regularly over time, equally across all accounts, and with accessible data available to all stakeholders with the click of a button. The platform unlocks the ability to immediately identify risks and new growth opportunities, which has proven invaluable to our current customers. 


A quote about Clientshare's Quarterly Business Reviews platform from Martin Hess, CEO of Telefonica Tech: The senior leadership have access to expert dashboards, making it wasyt o identify new growth opportunities. 

How does it do that?

Our brilliant product team and developers have built a digital QBR platform with 3 main functions, starting with an easy to use Quarterly Business Reviews workflow tool to create and manage your process. That in turn delivers a first class QBR pack including CSAT and NPS, with outstanding user experience. The software then gathers all data and responses into tailored risk analysis dashboards with custom alerts. All to make sure you have all your client data at your fingertips. 

Screenshot from Pulse Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs) platform

What makes this so unique? Let's have a look at the key functions

1. The Quarterly Business Reviews workflow

With our standardised workflow it’s easy to create really powerful review packs that keep consistent over time, and always look professional. It gives you the ability to add your reports, share value adding content and prove your worth to your clients in a natural way. By embedding a video message and a senior leadership note you can easily give your clients a more personal experience. Each Quarterly Business Review automatically includes NPS and customisable CSAT questions, you can add and track actions following your QBR meeting and it makes it easy to reach all stakeholders across all accounts.

A screenshot of the 'Creating a review' portion of Pulse, Clientshare's digital Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs) platform

2. The review pack and QBR report

Sending out your NPS and CSAT in combination with your Quarterly Business Reviews reports, gives your client more incentive to score you and leave valuable written feedback. The professional user experience of our review pack has also seen much improved response rates. To further increase responses we also incentivise your clients by planting a tree for each response, doing some good for the planet at the same time. We added a ‘Request a call from a senior leader’ button within the review pack, opening up a direct communications channel that has helped save accounts that otherwise were at risk of churn. 

Screenshot from client view of Pulse Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs) platform

3. Risk analysis dashboards and alerts system

We have discussed back and forth what to call the most valuable part of our software, - dashboards, scorecards, cockpit, RAD or data monitor, among many others. The key here is that our QBR platform gathers all your client data, scores, feedback, actions and insights into one accessible place. You can at a glance identify any accounts at risk, or spot accounts with the opportunity to grow. It delivers an automated real-time trend analysis of NPS and CSAT, and easily uncovers accounts with shallow reach or low engagements. With our custom alerts you have an early warning system, notifying you of any low scores or negative feedback so you can jump on it straight away instead of finding out when it’s too late. It also provides consistent historic data and audit trails to make sure you never miss a beat. 

Screenshot of dashboard from Pulse Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs) platform

My final thoughts

Implementing this QBR process as a key part of your client management can truly increase your retention, account growth and efficiency. I hope I did an ok job in explaining how our unique QBR platform works, and hopefully you can see the great value it could bring.

If you want to learn more, don’t hesitate to book a demo with our brilliant sales team, they would be happy to answer any questions you might have.

To keep up with news and developments, follow us on LinkedIn or check out our blog.

QBR research whitepaper Clientshare

Download our research whitepaper, 'The QBR Delusion'

We interviewed hundreds of buyers of Logistics, FM, Contract Catering, IT, RPO and BPO services from the UK and US. The research uncovers an undeniable feeling among buyers that their suppliers need to start delivering better QBRs if they want to keep their business. Learn more about how your customers think you're losing out on key opportunities with them today.