In the news: Another record quarter sees 195% YoY growth for Clientshare Pulse

Alice Baker
April 17, 2024

DG team meeting (1) (Presentation)

195% year-over-year growth signals another record quarter for Clientshare Pulse, with adoption increasing in the UK and US.

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If you're interested in knowing more about Clientshare Pulse, our unique to the market business reviews workflow tool, then take a look at our 30 second introduction video here.

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Download our research whitepaper, 'The QBR Delusion'

We interviewed hundreds of buyers of Logistics, FM, Contract Catering, IT, RPO and BPO services from the UK and US. The research uncovers an undeniable feeling among buyers that their suppliers need to start delivering better QBRs if they want to keep their business. Learn more about how your customers think you're losing out on key opportunities with them today.